Rua do Cunha
Officially named in 1884, Rua do Cunha is one of the important streets within the old downtown of Taipa. Pedro Alexandrino da Cunha was a captain of the Portuguese Navy who arrived in Macao on 2 May 1850 to be the 81st Governor of Macao. He died of cholera on 6 July, shortly after he assumed office.
Getting to the street from the east, the age-old Vong Kei Café is the first shop standing at the southern side of its entrance. The well-known and historic Carmo Fair and its outbuildings line up its northern side. A few steps ahead is the far-famed section of the street which is packed with souvenir outlets. The Bombeiros Square, where IAM holds the Taipa Flea Market regularly on Sundays, is just at the west end of the street. 
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