Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes Founded the “Ching-Hai Tsung-Pao”
Founded by the local-born Portuguese Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes, the first issue of the newspaper was published in 1893 at building No. 3 of Rua da Casa Forte. As for its Portuguese version, it was known as“Echo Macaense”. The newspaper was circulated in Hong Kong, the Wanchai, Qiangshan, Shiqi, Guangzhou and Foshan districts of Guangdong province and distributed as far as Fuzhou and Xiamen of Fujian province, Shanghai, Beijing, Southeast Asia, America and Portugal.
Address: Rua da Casa Forte, no.3, Macau
Going to next stop: 2 minutes’ walk
Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes
Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes, whose family had lived in Macao for generations, was a local born famous newspaperman. He met Sun Yat-sen while Sun was doing his studies in Hong Kong and subsequently became friends. Sun had asked him to apply for a license for practicing medicine in Macao on his behalf. And using newspaper as a weapon, he helped Sun to spread out his democratic ideology. Having failed to start an uprising in Guangzhou, Sun managed to flee from Macao with his assistance in 1895. Later on, Sun gifted his medical equipment and daily life appliances to him as token of remembrance, which are nowadays on display at the “Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House”. Francisco Hermenegildo Fernandes’ body is buried in the St. Miguel Arcanjo Cemetery of Macao.